Home Loans

Paul’s Home Loan Update: What To Do When The Bank Won’t Help You

best guide for finance

“Come back and see me in six months.”

That’s the classic one-liner most Kiwis get from a bank or a transactional mortgage adviser if they’re not quite in a position for a home loan. I come across this scenario a lot.

At Finsol we take a different approach. Regardless if it takes us three months or three years, we’ll have your back until the day you walk through the front door of your own home – and beyond. Our home loan service goes far beyond just securing you a loan. If you’re not yet in the position to borrow and buy, we create a game plan.

First, we establish the goal: what is your ideal home worth and how much finance will be required to purchase it?

Next, we provide personalised KiwiSaver advice. KiwiSaver is an excellent vehicle to help Kiwis into a first home – the sooner it’s set up right, the greater value it will provide as a deposit.

Then it’s time for some education around account conduct, budgeting, and ensuring any defaults or short-term loans are dealt with immediately – we know exactly what the bank wants and doesn’t want to see on your application.

For any self-employed clients, I make immediate contact with their accountant to make sure financial statements are adequately prepared.

From there, I check in every three months to see how things are tracking.

Buying a home – especially a first home – is a journey. We’ve walked the path before as first home buyers ourselves and alongside the hundreds of Kiwis we’ve helped into homes. With a little planning, patience, and perseverance, we’ll get you there.

While we’re home loan and insurance experts, our blog posts are for general information purposes only and are not intended as financial advice. If at any stage you need personalised advice, get in touch on 0800 346 765, or email finsol@finsol.co.nz.


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